Tuesday, March 6, 2012

            Today is about indulgences. While working out and exercising is extermely important for you, doing something for yourself that you enjoy is just as important. You can't live your life always wanting something that is unhealthy, you have to let go once in awhile and enjoy yourself. That is a better life style in my opinion. You need to give in once in awhile and enjoy that ice cream or that beer, or whatever it maybe that helps you relax a little. So, that is what todays recipe is about, it's about enjoying those little things in life. This recipe may not be all that unhealthy, but it is one of those things that I wouldn't normally do because I know that I will pay for it. But I'm going to do it anyway..... because I only live once and I love these little things. :)

Atomic Buffalo Turds


12 fresh jalapeno peppers
12 slices of bacon
24 little smokies
1 package of cream cheese, softened
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp cayenne pepper


To start the construction of the atomic buffalo turds, you’ll first want to wash and trim the jalapeno peppers. I highly recommend wearing rubber gloves during the trimming portion to keep the jalapeno juices from soaking into your skin, so proceed with caution if you choose not to heed my advice. Trimming these guys is a relatively simple task. Simply chop the stem off or you can leave the stem, your choice, and then slice the pepper lengthwise to expose the seeds and vein. Using a spoon, scrape out the white vein and rinse under water to wash away the seeds. The cream cheese will ultimately counteract the burn from the peppers, so leave a good amount of the inner membrane intact if you want to feel the heat. In a mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese, paprika and cayenne pepper. Using a butter knife, spoon, or a pastry bag, fill each jalapeno half with a generous portion of the cream cheese mixture. Top each one of the jalapeno “boats” with a little smokey. Wrap each of the smokey topped jalapenos with a half slice of bacon, making sure that the seam is directly on top of the little smokey. Secure the wrap by inserting a toothpick straight down through the overlapping edges of the bacon all the way through the little smokey. Stop just short of going through the pepper though, that way the cream cheese doesn’t leak out through the hole. Since bacon already contains a good amount of sodium, you’ll want to season the buffalo turds with a sugar based rub. If you’re the do-it-yourself type, a nice blend of brown sugar and cayenne pepper works great on these bad boys as well. Now just cook through on your grill or in a 350 degree oven and enjoy.

Now, if you're really brave you can make what I call an Atomic Dragon Turd, which is the same as above, only made with Habaneros as opposed to Jalapenos. This will totally set you on fire. So be careful. Also the little smokies can be replaced by just about any meat you want.


  1. Sorry can't share this one! I love the Jalapeno Poppers so I'd probably really like these. Your momma!


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