Wednesday, February 29, 2012

     My story, so far, is long one. It's full of major peaks and valleys. I have definitely had my downs, from a life changing divorce to homelessness. But I didn't give up, I continued to do my best and try hard to make things happen for myself. I was, for a long time, a product of my environment, which wasn't always good. I have suffered through many years of addictions, which was a hard thing to break away from, and I still battle with temptation from time to time. But even with all the bad things that I have let happen to me (yes, I let them happen to me, because I didn't know how to fight back), I will continue to make a better life for myself. Now on the verge of being 32 years old, I have decided it's time to get in better health (because now I know I want to live to a ripe old age), to eat better, and just to learn to become the person that I know I am capable of becoming. This blog will contain my original recipes and tips in the kitchen as well in exercise and in the gym. If I can help someone get into better physical health as I'm trying to help myself, then I will have accomplished a good thing. So stay tuned and keep a close eye out and you might learn something here. I know I will.  


  1. Kudos to you, Mr. Mullins! I need to get healthy, as well, so I can't wait to follow you on your journey. :-)

  2. I couldn't agree more with you both. Time for me too & looking forward to it!

  3. I need to do the same.
    I'm proud of you, Turdle!
