Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Healthy Living Tip #1

          People I cannot say this enough, water, water, water, and water. The soda companies are making a killing off of us and killing us. Drinking Soda is one of the worst things you can do to your body. Some people drink soda like it is water, some even instead of water. I was guilty of this for many years. Sure, the primary ingredient is water, but, with all the other “stuff” it contains. It can have a… toxic… poisonous… lethal… venomous… harmful effect on your entire body. Drinking soda is a sure-fire way to age faster and die before your time. Soda (or soft drinks) have an alarming amount of sugar, calories and harmful additives in it that have absolutely no nutritional value what so ever. Studies have linked soda to osteoporosis, obesity, tooth decay and heart disease. Despite this, soda accounts for more than one-quarter of all drinks consumed in the United States…. and we wonder why we can’t lose weight and why we have health problems. Another thing to take into consideration..... Juice. Yes juice is better for you than soda. However, you need to be aware when consuming juices as well, especially if you happen to be a diabetic. The sugars in different juices can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, precautions must be taken. So often our health problems do not begin on their own. We encourage our illnesses and diseases every day by not "practicing prevention." We know better, we try to fool our minds with excuses, but our bodies can’t be fooled about what we put in them. I hope the next time you look at a can of soda or a bottle of juice you take note of the ingredients and smarten up for the good of your own health and that of your children and grandchildren.      

     My story, so far, is long one. It's full of major peaks and valleys. I have definitely had my downs, from a life changing divorce to homelessness. But I didn't give up, I continued to do my best and try hard to make things happen for myself. I was, for a long time, a product of my environment, which wasn't always good. I have suffered through many years of addictions, which was a hard thing to break away from, and I still battle with temptation from time to time. But even with all the bad things that I have let happen to me (yes, I let them happen to me, because I didn't know how to fight back), I will continue to make a better life for myself. Now on the verge of being 32 years old, I have decided it's time to get in better health (because now I know I want to live to a ripe old age), to eat better, and just to learn to become the person that I know I am capable of becoming. This blog will contain my original recipes and tips in the kitchen as well in exercise and in the gym. If I can help someone get into better physical health as I'm trying to help myself, then I will have accomplished a good thing. So stay tuned and keep a close eye out and you might learn something here. I know I will.